College Girls Turning To HD Porn For A Living
May 5th, 2014
The media is completely hands off on this story, but there needs to be some attention brought to the plight of these young girls. The cute brunette is Lexi Brooks. The hot blonde is Holly Fox. Both of these girls were happily enrolled in college before the bottom of the economy dropped out stranding them with no way to fund their education. To make ends meet the girls turned to doing HD porn on where they were looking for cute young coeds that wanted to try being porn stars. Now they have both dropped out of college and make their living turning tricks onscreen!
I guess it really isn’t a plight since there is nothing wrong with girls doing porn. It is just that they were on their way to finding good careers with their degrees. Now they will have nothing once they retire. Then again… porn girls are working well into their sixties these days. MILF and mature porn is just as big as teen/coed porn is. Maybe there is a chance for these two to make it in the world.
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