I am not sure if Emily 18 went to college. It seems like everybody does at least a semester of community college these days. One thing I do know is that I would have love to have had her sit behind me in one of my classes. I would have dropped my pencil, my phone, my paper, my eraser, my everything to keep looking up her skirt at those sexy panties of hers.
You can get instant access to all of Emily’s videos and picture sets when you join her site Emily18.com. There you will find a blossoming teen going from what looks like jailbait, though barely legal, to a coed young woman. Along the way her boobs go through just about every stage of development. Her booty too!
Don’t miss out and make sure to watch her swimming pool videos. With her tanned skin and her youthful looks it is like watching some nymph or elven forest creature taking a dip in a lake. So beautiful!
Trisha is a bleached blonde babe with nice tits and a very tight pussy. Starting with her tits, they are still new enough that they don’t sag when she is laying on her back. I love tits that can do this. She also has that tight teen pussy you crave. Trisha shaves it extremely close. Smoother than a babies bottom if you can believe that.
See the entire teen masturbating with a dildo set here. Or go to the source at ClubSeventeen.com and download the accompanying movie. It is hotter than hell and will leave you wondering how this teen cutie is going to sit right. Her pussy gets a work out trying to fit a dildo two sizes too big inside its tight passage way.
I love it when a girl’s parents name her honey and her skin tone matches her name. Along with honey skin she has some honey suckle puffy nipples. I am not even sure if that made any sense, but I sure do want to suckle on those nipples!
Honey is the perfect college coed girlfriend. Not too pretty and nut ugly by any means. She is just right. Your very own Little Red Riding Hood. She won’t fuck your friends, unless you want her too, but she will fuck you all day and night. If you play your cards right she might even let you fuck her friends!
You can find more of her at Panty Amateur. They have over 360 models and each model does several videos and several picture sets. Honey has fifteen sets starting way back in 2006. Watch this coed panty girl grow up before your very eyes.